Auto Insurance Claims: health insurance/auto insurance, miami plaintiffs forensic locksmith

QUESTION: my son had to go to the hospital due to an auto accident.  I used my health insurance information.  Before they pay for the bill the health insurance wants a "No fault" letter form the responsible parties insurance.  I have no idea of what that is and what it all entails.  so if i call the other insurance company are they liable to pay all medical bills before we settle?  We are no where near settling this case..and i think finally the negligent's insurance company is admitted fault of their client.

ANSWER: Hello,

Speaking to the "opposing" insurance company will get you nowhere.

Contact your carrier and ask them how to proceed here. They should be able to guide you as to what you need even though you are not at fault, or contact an attorney as to whom you may want to proceed on this matter. The other side's job is to represent their client and not to help you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I called my carrier and asked for a "No fault" letter from them but since i did not open a case with them they told me i needed to get the letter front the opposing carrier.  I don't understand why my health insurance will not just pay for the procedures for now and get reimburse later.


I suppose in after thought, I should have asked the state you were located in. I am not familiar with every state no fault law and the answer I gave you was a general answer from rule of thumb where one does not have to deal with the opposing insurance company.

Evidently, the only answer in your case is to deal with the other driver's insurance company and because they don't insure you, they are not real motivation to assist you, and evidently because of your state's no fault regulation laws they have put an unreasonable burden on the person not at fault.

I have not run accross your situation and it sucks. Possibly there is a state mandat requiring them to supply this information in a spedcified time.

If you are still having problems, I suggest you contact the State insurance commissioner and see what they have to say.

Good luck!
