Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Accident, shade tree mechanic, ambulance staff

In Maryland, my "shade tree" mechanic finished fixing my car and took it for a test drive.  While driving my car, another reckless driver crossed the line and my mechanic swerved onto the curb to avoid an accident.  The reckless driver, collided with  3 other vehicles causing major damages however, he did not actually hit my vehicle.  My mechanic was hurt from the impact of running on the curb, was seen by ambulance staff and went to the ER.  Am I liable for his medical bills?

Hi Mendy,

No. Your are not liable for his medical bills. The wreckless driver is the one liable for the injuries as well as the damage to your car. However since there were multiple cars involved, you should go through your own collision coverage if you have it to avoid any delays. It is also possible the at fault driver may not have enough coverage to pay for all the damage he caused.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh