Auto Insurance Claims: Re: Auto Insurance Deductible, insurance checks, insurance company

Re: Auto Insurance Deductible

Dear Mr. Rob Painter:

My car was hit bay another car when I was backing up. My insurance company Nationwide says I can go ahead to fix it, but I have to pay $500 deductible until it is determined that it was the other driver's fault. He said ha has not been able to contact other side's insurance company. It's been many weeks already. Isn't there any time limit in law that the insurance company has to pay the deductible? They can keep telling me that it was not decided because they cannot contact the other side and keep avoiding paying the deductible. I have not repaired my car because I want to make sure I will get paid for all.


Here is how it works; as the insurance company told you they need to speak with other driver in order to decide who was at fault. There is no limit on time before they have to cover the deductible. Most insurance checks are only good for a certain amount of time and it is stated on the check. If you wait too long to repair they will have to issue a new check. You cannot rush an insurance company.

Your claim has lasted weeks, when many of my clients go years.
