Auto Insurance Claims: Vandalism (car keyed), auto body shop, preferred auto

This is what my insurance adjuster has said....  The total estimate for repair is about $2200, with $1500 of that being labour and the rest is paint. So in a cash settlement, we would pay 100% of the parts and 50% of the labour and then minus your deductable. She went on to say, that the cash payout would be 50% of $1500 = $750 and then minus your deductable of $300 leaves us with you receiving approx $450 cash payout because there is no parts involved in the claim. My vehicle was vandalized (keyed on both sides).  I filed a police report and reported it to my insurance.  I took my car to the preferred auto body shop that my insurance adjuster suggested.  The estimate to fix came out to approx $2200, about $1500 labour and $700 in additional costs (paint).  My problem is that the auto body guy explained the work that will be done and basically said that its not going to look that good because only the sides of my vehicle will be repainted and of course it will not blend in with the rest of the car.  He also suggested that my best bet was to take a cash settlement. When speaking with my adjuster, I asked about a cash payout and this is what she

Is this right? Don't they also have to pay for the paint even though the paint is not listed as parts on the estimate but it is listed as addtional costs?

Extra Info: The vehicle is an 11 year old SUV with an approx value of $3000.

Hi Marc,

I'm not specifically familiar with how things are done in Canada. However, as far as I know the insurance company has to pay toy for the complete job regardless if the work is actually performed. That is your choice. But, as I said, things may work differently in Canada.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh