Auto Insurance Claims: denial of payment to a claim that wasnt at fault, collision coverage, detailed explanation

my daughter was in a car accident that had a police report and it stated she wasn't at fault. the other persons insurance just denied her claim to get her car fixed. what can we do now to get them to pay? what should our next step be?

Hi Sharon,

First you need to get from the other insurance company a written detailed explanation of why they denied the claim. If they denied due to the other persons policy being cancelled, then you would have to file suit against the at-fault driver personally. If they denied the claim because they do not believe that their driver was at fault, then you have 2 choices;

1) you can place the claim with your own collision coverage if you have it and your insurance company will fight it out with the other company.

2) you can file suit against the at fault driver, present your case and evidence to the judge and if you win then they will have to pay the claim.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh