Auto Insurance Claims: DUI in my car, DUI in my car, CAR DUI


In April of last, I merged over to the right lane, but I was under the influence. I was given a DUI. I had my license suspended and went to all the classes that were required and still paying surcharges. But I when I hit the other car my front bumper bent and my front right side is dented in and the my headlights are broken. I asked around at bodyshops and its very expensive to have that fixed. My question is, can I still go through my insurance and have them fix it, even if it was my fault and it happened over a year ago?


Well it depends. Most insurance companies will cover your damage if you have first party coverage (collision). To learn more about collision visit:

If you carry this coverage, you will have to explain why you waited so long. If the reason is valid, they will probably cover it.

However, some insurance policies deny coverage on the basis of alcohol. A DIU in your car could leave you without coverage. It is possible that there is an exclusion that will exclude you from coverage, but it is not certain. It is very hard to tell without looking at your policy.

Good Luck,