Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance call due to hit & run attended, insurance employees, personal license

I was turning left and a girl in the lane on my right turned also and our
bumpers tapped I thought. She kept going one way and I went another way.
No stopping or exchanging of info occurred. Later I discovered more damage
to my car ($498). I took my car to a body shop and had it fixed. Today I
discovered a phone voice message from State farm mentioning an accident on
Tuesday the 13th and said they just wanted to see if I was "all right" and to
have me"clarify what happened." They left a claim number, contact hours and
a phone number.  From looking online I see that I might be guilty of hit and
run attended or maybe they were. I don't want any money for my damage. I
would just like to move on. No police have called or stopped by. Nothing has
come in the mail. I am totally paranoid to talk to insurance employees on the
phone because of past experience where they asked leading questions and
recorded the answers to get out of paying a claim. I just found the phone
message today. It probably was probably recorded on Monday. What should I
do? I have not called them back. I don't know if there was a witness. I don't
know how they located me but my guess it is because of an easily memorized
personal license plate.

Hi Norm,
I wouldn't be worried about a 'hit & run charge' since neither of you stopped and each went your separate directions.

You have no choice but to respond to the call from State Farm.
Apparently the other driver got your license plate number and made a report to their insurance company.

All you can do is be honest about the incident.  You were both making left turns and you heard the bumpers click.  Neither car stopped and since the other car went in the opposite direction, you were unable to secure a license plate number.

At worst, you will each be considered 50% at fault, and depending on the laws of your state, each will be responsible for their own damage or the other driver will be able to collect 50% from your insurance and you will be able to collect 50% of your damage from State Farm.

I hope this information is helpful.  Please write again if you feel that I can be of more assistance.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.

San Francisco Bay Area