Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Coverage, pizza company, auto insurances

In October of 2007 my son was involved in a minor auto accident while delivering pizza for a local company. Both parties where uninjured and turned over the proper paper work to the police (registration, insurance, driver license). After the police investigated the accident they determined my son was at fault. We thought this not a problem because he has insurance...About three weeks later we received a letter form the other parties insurance company saying that my insurance company denied our clam, saying that he is not covered while using his personal vehicle for work (pizza delivery). Now the insurance company is coming after us for the damages.. Also the pizza company is being very uncooperative with any information with their insurance coverage. We feel that we are being hung out to dry by our insurance company, which we pay thousands of dollars a month in both home owner & multiple auto insurances and also by the pizza company that he was working for at the time of the accident... So my question is our we responsible ?

Hi Michael-

From my understanding, the Pizza company is responsible.  It does not surprise me that delivering pizza is not covered by your auto policy.  Using your car for pizza delivery and as a taxi etc is usually excluded because of the added risk.  To be sure however, get out your policy and read it carefully.
The pizza company should have had insurance that would have covered the drivers, if they don't then they are the ones that should be paying this claim.
I would send the Pizza company a letter via certified mail asking them to take care of this claim.  If they fail to respond I would suggest small claims court or finding an attorney for some advice.

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, CA