Auto Insurance Claims: uninsured accident, property damage coverage, uninsured motorist property damage

I was involved in an accident the person that hit me has no insurance I have only liabilty damage to my vehicle is over 10,000 dollars the vehicle is book valve of around 7,000 if the other car owner has another vehicle that is insured will it cover mine. or what can I do to get payments from uninsured, the state of Utah is a no fault state

Hi Shane,

Unfortunately no. Auto insurance follows the vehicle not the driver.

You should check your policy to see if you have Uninsured Motorist Property Damage coverage. If so, that will pay to repair your car. Otherwise about all you can do is file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver, but, even if you win a judgement collecting it is another matter.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh