Auto Insurance Claims: Ins Claim PPD rating, counter offer letter, permanent partial disability

Hi Richard, I asked a question of another early in the month regarding trying to settle claim myself. Making it short, I was rear-ended on 2/14/07 2600 damage to car, 12K medical, my husband left me about 2 1/2 mos after accident because I was not meeting his needs and found someone that would. I did make a demand for settlement letter that was large but after reading so much info I thought I had better start high and be willing to come down a lot. Unfortunately the insurance co. offered only medical bills, the car damage ( already paid by them) and 3 k for my pain and suffering. I recieved a permanaent partial disabilty rating of 5 %, loss of range of motion on left side. I have now been having problems finding an attorney to accept case as I had already signed papers allowing insurance company access to med records, etc. How is a PPD rating affect settlement claims? Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Ann,

In any injury settlement the amount is based on the type and extent of the injuries as well as the cost of treatment and any lost wages.  The more severe the injury the larger the settlement. Having a PPD tating is significant because it indicates a condition that was caused by the accident that will never get any better. Hence the name Permanent Partial Disability.  You should continue to shop around for an attorny. In the mean time you should have no contact with the insurance company. If you decide to continue handling it on your own you should communicate with them ONLY IN WRITING. Send them a counter offer letter in response to their offer emphisizing the extent of the injuries and the PPD.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh