Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance question, insurance question, homeowners policy

Recently i got into an arguement with my boyfriend, he kicked my door and it left a big dent. I filed a police report but I didn't press charges, i just wanted to get written documentation of the incident. My question is, if i file a claim how is the deductible paid, would i have to pay it, would i have to sue him for it, or would the insurance company sue him for it. Also would they go as far as suing him for the cost to fix the door too? thanks for any input you can give

Hi Sara,

I assume you are talking about a homeowners policy. The cost of replaceing the door will likely be below your deductible. Also, homeowners insurance is now a us it and lose it situation.  If you make a claim against your insurance, even if they only pay out a couple of hundred dollars, they will likely cancell your policy when it comes up for renewal.

About the only thing I can think of is to sue your ex-boy friend for the cost of the repairs.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh