Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: GMC Yukon A/C, gmc yukon, vacuum pump

My friend just replaced my a/c compressor and dryer/accumulator. The he charged it with approximately 2 lbs of r124a. It blew cool but not cold and was curious if we put in enough freon to do the trick. He bought some kinda cheesy connector w/ a gauge on top of freon distributor and we are not sure if guage is accurate. What should I do?  (Vehicle is 1996 yukon 8 cylinder which uses regular gas). Did I put enough freon in?

First there is no such freon as 124a.

Second, Did he evacuate the old freon from the system, Extract all the atmospheric air from the system using a vacuum pump BEFORE he added the new freon and did he use a set of A/C gages to make sure he installed the correct amount of freon inthe system ?.

If he did NOT do the above procedures, This is why your A/C is not working properly.