Auto body repair & detailing: Where to buy PPG auto paint, plastic, painting plastic

I have a 2002 Toyota Camry with 3Q3 (Red) paint.  According to the charts available on-line that color is PPG #5909.  I plan to spray a scratched bumper using a "critter" spray gun ( Do you recommend PPG DBU or DBC and most importantly where can I buy a quart of this on-line?


ANSWER: Hi Alan,

I'm not sure that you can buy it online because PPG is very strict concerning online sales of their paint. However you can use the following link to locate a local jobber who then can either ship it to you or you can go by and pick it up:

Concerning the "Critter" spray gun, I don't believe I would try to spray my bumper with it. I don't think its going to spray very well for the finish to lay out correctly. This particular gun is designed for stains, varnishes, and latex based paints. Not automotive base-coats or clear-coats. If it were me I would rather use an automotive spray-can. Here is a link to a site that deals in automotive base-coat spray-cans:

They also offer a high quality clear-coat in an aerosol can. Use this link to check it out:

I hope this helps out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Very, very helpful.  I will order both items you suggested. One additional question: how should I prep the bumper and threrfore are there any other products I should order from  R&E to do this job?

If it is peeled to bare plastic then you will need some type of adhesion promoter to promote adhesion to the plastic. R&E offers a product called bulldog adhesion promoter that I have heard some good things about. Here is the link on it:

You will also need some fine grit sandpaper or scotchbrite pad to scuff the plastic for maximum adhesion. 500 grit or a gray color scotchbrite should do the trick.

That should just about do it. Although, You might actually need a grease and wax remover to pre-clean just before painting or priming. However, You could probably use isopropyl rubbing alcohol to clean with instead.