Car Alarms: 1999 Toyota Corolla alarm haywire, shock sensors, valet mode

My car alarm (1999 Toyota Corolla) has just started to go
off randomly for no apparent reason when I've never had
trouble with it before. Something I suspect is related, now
when I lock or unlock the car (and sometimes even when I
just switch off the engine) it gives several steady soft
'beeps' from under the bonnet which are nothing like either
the alarm-primed beep or the lights-left-on warning beep. I
can't find anything relevant in the manual and I've read up
on some similar problems on this site but I don't want to
disable my alarm, I want to fix the problem! Do you have any
advice for me? Many thanks!

It may have gotten water logged from the description given.
This would fritz the alarm to the point
of malfunction etc... The soft chirpping also
shows the alarm is in breach mode.

Try this, clip the siren wires, one at a time,
and remove the siren from it's mount.

Then disassemble the bell housing and dry
the componants. During this time period,
also put the alarm into disarm/override/valet mode
using the disarming info given in the manual
until the siren is completely dry.

Once done, re attach the wires, make certain
it's grounded, and take the alarm out
of Ovveride.

All things being equal, it should go back to normal.
I'd remove any external impact or shock sensors
the after market system has on it, and then depend
on just the door triggers to protect it.

Cheers from the States!