Car Alarms: Car Alarms, full size chevy, chevy van

I have a 1997 full size chevy van a G20 series, I purshased a auto page alarm since i just need something to go off if the doors are opened nothing special, we got all the wires hooked up but there is a couple of problems,

first = the horn on the car will not go off with the alarm horn, i have checked to make sure that i have the right wire to it several times but no luck.

second = the alarm will not go off when you open any of the doors, only when you shut the doors and thats only becasue the box gets vibrated and then goes off.

and that brings me to my third question,

the instruction say to connect the violet wire zone 3 to the positive door pin switch, and i can't find anything that is positive in the door pin switch.

any help would be great

Do not use the (+) door trigger wire. It's for Fords.
Only use the (-) door trigger on the alarm here.

I then strongly suggest you get the
wiring specs for the truck at
to finish it off. It will tell you what wire
is the door trigger, horn, starter, 12 volt source wire etc...