Car Alarms: Keyless entry, keyless entry system, sorentos

I got an 07 kia sorento last week and no one can tell me if it's keyless entry ready. As in, can i just buy the fobs and have them programmed. The dealers can't tell me if they set up all sorentos with the receiver or not. I've looked behind the dash and haven't seen an atenna as some have told me to look for. I would just like to know what I have before I start adding alarms and such. Trying to get info from kia is like pulling teeth. Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: According to the notes Mike,
this has power door locks, so if they did add it or did not,
YOU can add it at anytime :>) .

Easy 3 wire negative system.
If they did not add it, you can and for alot less.

Have a good one.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Does the sell a simple to install keyless entry system? I'm a little concerned about getting in over my head. I'm sure by your quick response I can count on good tech support.

Oh yeah. Not a problem at all. The easiest is the
DLR4HD for a novice.

Not an alarm, but an excellent, solid keyless entry system.

44.95 + s&h and oh, I own the place.
Your tech support is handled by me personally :>)

Let me know your email and i will send a link to pay
if this is what you want.