Car Alarms: Scytek GALAXY 5000RS-2W-2FM, galaxy 5000rs, 2fm

I have had "professionally" installed a GALAXY 5000RS-2W-2FM on a 2003 Impala Police Package.  Since day one the system has drained the car battery.  I bought a new battery and within 24 hours the battery will be dead.  I have had them disconnect the remote start to see if it was the problem but the battery is still draining.  Any ideas?

If uninstalled, the charging system or alterantor
seems the likely suspect. If a new battery
was drained, an open circuit was kept open all night.
Follow the wiring. Have them test the charging
setup through the diagnostic. There may be damage
that was done from the installer that is not readily
apparent. Best way is to hav GM through on the code
reader to see what's up.

But that's my take on this from your short description.

Let me know what you discover.