Car Alarms: autopage alarm, shock sensor, chevy impala

I installed an autopage alarm (no remote start) I have remote locks and shock sensor.
When I set it, it will go off in ten minutes.
Do you have any ideas what sets it off each time
I have a 2004 chevy impala.

This sounds to me as if you did not diode isolate the door triggers.  The BCM sends out a tiny pulse after a certain amount of time.  This pulse is not enough to turn on a light bulb, but it is enough to trigger the alarm system.  You can find a diagram on how to diode isolate the triggers at NEGATIVE DOOR PIN ISOLATION CIRCUIT.pdf

There is an alternative that was suggested to me by an Audiovox tech.  Since the pulse the BCM sends out is small, it is not enough to trigger a relay, but opening the door provides enough to trigger one.  So, add a relay wired like this:

85 - Door Trigger wire from vehicle
86 - Constant  12V fused at 1amp
30 - Ground
87 - Door Trigger wire into alarm

This should stop your falsing problem without needing to go to each individual door trigger.