Auto Racing: rally career?, sports car club, rally career

Hi, I am 20yrs old and very interested in starting a career in rally racing. I am attending UTI now and I am almost done. I have loved cars and everything about them for a while but I feel like just fixing them might not be enough. I have always loved racing but never knew how to get started. I really feel like driving could be my calling. I live in Chicago and I have been trying to find more info online but it seems very scarce. Any advice in getting started in rally??

Yes, Though I know almost nothing about rally, I do  know that it is more popular in the north than around here. Start by visiting  which is the main page  for the Sports Car Club of America. You will find a very large region in the Chicago area and someone there should be able to help you get started.

That's about all I can offer , but the SCCA should ba able to fill your immediate needs, and answer questions you may have.

Good luck
Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida