BMW Repair: 93 BMW 318i, chiltons repair manual, fuse box

I just bought a 93 318i and I am having some problems but I have no owners manual and can't find the owners manual...My hazard lights dont work. My drivers window goes down a little every time I open the door.  I wanted to look for the fuse box and see if I can check a fuse but I have no idea where it is this is my first time owning a bmw and any help would be appreciated

Michelle, is this car a coupe? this is normal operation for a coupe. Shouldn't happen in a sedan. Try removing the hazard switch and see if it has deteriorated from the back side (full of dust, dried beverages) Fuses should be in the back of the engine bay and behind the glove box I believe. I would recomend getting an owners manual and a Bentley or Chiltons repair manual.