BMW Repair: 2000 323i turn signal bulb replacing, fender body, phillips head

I have read the another answer about replacing the turn signal bulb.  On my 2000 323i, there is an oval hole in the fender body where the is a silver "switch" that can be made to go either right or left. The other answer said to push down.  I'm having no luck with right, left, up or down.  What am I doing wrong?  Thanks!  Sharon

Sharon, if you don't have the phillips head screw then you have the plastic tab that you need to push down. You should see a plastic piece toward the windshield side of the oval hole. Push down with long screw driver and wiggle assembly out toward bumper. At my dealer we charge 0.2 hours labors and sometimes the service advisor can do it without an appointment. Ask them to show you how. If you want to be sneeky you can go to part department and ask for a turn signal assembly and look at where the tab is. Replace the bulb and inspect the socket contacts for wear.