BMW Repair: Battery, battery cars, radio code

What would seem like a no brainer task. I've gotta change the battery- cars is idling odd intermittently, engine light turns on and off. Step 1 - change the battery. So I've been told the only way to get the code of the radio after changing the battery is to remove the radio, find a code, call the dealer for the reset code. Once again, no brainer if I had the inkling of an idea on how to remove the radio (tools needed) - Can't the dealer give me the code via the VIN?  

Sonia, Please excuse me but I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Do you need a radio code. What kind of vehicle do you have? E36 I assue. The VIN will not get you the radio code because there are three manufacturers of radio on E36. You do have to take the radio out to get the manufacturer and serial number off the radio. Sometimes the radio sticker is in the vehcile books. I personally hook up a jumper battery to the underhood jumper posts while I change the battery so The radio never looses power and therefore not needed. If you try this remember that the positive battery cable is still hot even though it is disconnected from the battery. Be careful!!! Put some masking tape over the positive cable while changing. If you do get the radio code please write it down somewhere handy. I have responded to what I think you are asking. Send me another post if you still have a question.