BMW Repair: 99 BMW 740 il Water Pump, fan shroud, coolant hose

I was woundering if you can tell me how I can replace the water
pump on my 99 BMW 740 il.
Do you know of any website that might have pictures along with
the instructions?
Thank you so much!!

Sami if you are mechanically inclinded then with my instruction you won't need pictures. I also recommend replacing the Thermostat and radiator cap. If you are not mechanically inclined then don't try it. This is a big job that we charge 4.0hrs. for at the dealership. But if you are ready and have some tools and are will to buy or barrow some then here we go. Pull clips off intake box like you were going to replace the filter. Remove mass airflow connector and wire clip on under side. Remove 10mm headed hold down bolt near passengers valve cover. Press plastic clip and remove large plastic hose on curve of intake duct as well as small vacuum hose. loosen hose clamp on throttle body and remove duct. Remove engine fan. Caution Left Hand treads on fan clutch. Take long 32mm comination wrench (I use a craftsman) and place open end on fan clutch nut. With a hammer strike the closed end of the wrench at about 10:30 to 11 o'clock to loosen fan and clutch. Remove bleeder screw from resevoir careful not to loose the o-ring. Very carefully lever out retaining clip around the bleeder screw opening from the sides slowly. remove coolant hose toward bottom of tank. Tilt tank away from fan shroud and remove clamp on vent hose. (may have to cut off with side cutters. Remove vent hose. Pull resevoir/expansion tank up and unclip level sensor connector. Remove tank. Remove connector for AUC sensor on fan shroud. Carefully lever out both black plastic expansion rivets holding shroud to radiator at either end of upper shroud. Wiggle out shroud. Notice retaining tab on sides and bottom of shroud and recievers built on radiator. These must be fitted correctly upon installation. Pull metal clip up on coolant hose entering therostat and lever or wiggle off hose. Remove Thermostat connector and coolant temp sensor connector. Loosen four bolts on water pump pulley with belts on. Remove Serpentine Belts (replace if cracking is present). Remove eight outer bolts for Crankshaft pulley/dampner and remove. Note locating dowel upon installation. Remove allen bolt for Secondary air metal cross over tube. Remove both 10mm bolts on ends of secondary air tube at either cylinder heads (hard to see but they are there. wiggle out don't pry out tube and remove. Lube o-rings on tube before installation and make sure they are correctly seated flush with head. Don't pry on bolt tabs they are NOT strongly Welded onto tube. Remove water pump pulley. Remove Water Pump while holding both coolant tubes that run underneath the intake manifold. Scrape gasket surfaces w/razor or scotch-brite pad completely and clean crap off coolant tubes. Transfer coolant temp sensor to new pump (22mm socket I believe). Please Purchase Water pump, Gasket,O-rings, Thermostat, Radiator Cap, Hose clamps, and coolant. Lube all o-rings with coolant. Use grease or gasket adheasive just to hold gasket on timing case dowels while fitting water pump. no RTV needed. Gasket has built in O-ring. Reinstall all. Hardest part is getting Secondary air tube bolts in, fitting little hose to expansion tank while tightening clamp, and starting fan clutch thread. Put that wrench on clutch nut and tap until tight. Reverse thread will tighten as it is spinning all you have to do is give it one good tap to tighten it. Fill coolant with bleeder removed. Reinstall and Pressure test. Look for new leaks. Release pressure and bleeder an continue filling. This is THE hardest BMW coolant system to bleed!!! Run until lower hose is HOT. Let system completely cool until room temp and refill. Then you should have all the air out. I give Mad Props to a beginner who can accomplish this task!
(I can do this in 1.75hrs at work if I'm really cookin') Don't think I can be any more indepth than that.