GMC Repair: 1993 GMC Sierra C1500 Pickup wont start, gmc sierra, spark tester

QUESTION: The truck will turn over but won't actually fire. We have changed the fuel pump, fuel filter, cap and rotor, wires, coil, starter, and battery. It is getting fuel, and has spark. I have no clue what else to check can you please help me.
You say it has spark but is getting no fire.
Where is it getting spark to? Is it going into the Distributor from the coil?
Is it getting to the spark plugs?
If your getting fuel are you getting 9-13 psi checked at the filter?
I'll attempt to help if possible, so please answer back.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


We are getting proper fuel pressure. The spark is getting to the spark plugs. And it just isn't starting. We are so confused and don't know where else to do.

Hi again
What was the original complaint? Was the truck running and died, and never started back?
or did you just do a tune up and it did not restart? other questions -
Is it backfiring?
Is it trying to start?
Pull the plugs and make sure they are not fouled with raw fuel.
Do a compression test while you have them out. Make sure the engine is not "wore Out"
If it is backfiring, you may have the  plug wires wrong.
Check the sparks ability to jump a spark tester gap of 40kv. That system SHOULD jump a 40kv gap. If not the coil may be at fault or the cap/rotor/wires have excessive resistance.
Just things I would check.
Make sure the fuel is pulsing from  the throttle body injector.
If the fuel is NOT pulsing correctly, it will also cause a backfire. This could be the Ignition Module (located in the Distributor). I would check this part also.
The Distributor itself COULD be to blame. Make sure you getting fire to ALL spark plugs. The Distributor pole
piece  may be excessivly cracked causing too many fires.
Just advise from experience.
Good Luck, follow up if needed.