American Motors: pack rat !, little hideaway, mouse traps


I do not use my vehicle everyday so I thought I'd aske you the following - maybe you will have an advice for me -

I just found out that I have pack rats under my dashboard and inside the air filter housing - they collected my dog food - a lot of it into there and I could see their hair too inthe air filter.  Luckyly, seems like they did not chew on any wires yet.   I immediately put the dogs food away, closed it in a metal shelf.  But still, I am concern.   My mechanic said that I should leave my hood half open so it won't feel like a cozy little hideaway.   What do you think please and do you have any advices?

Thank you,   Gabe  

You really won't know if any wiring or other hidden damage has occured until you least expect it.
First thing I would suggest is removing any and all of their "stuff". The food, bedding, nest, etc.
Either set some mouse traps or poison around the car and in the engine compartment, or some traps inside the car.
Once they have established themselves, it can be difficult to change their minds.
Someone once told me he placed moth balls in his air cleaner; never tried it, but it couldn't hurt.
Secure all external sources of food and water.
Or, get a cat.
Good luck.