Audi Repair: audi a6 starting problem, coolant temp, engine coolant

I just bought audi a6 1998 but it seems to have a starting problem. It takes about 30-40 seconds( when it's cold) and it starts but I am concerned that one day it wont start anymore. I just changed a fuel pump and the problem is still there. What should I do? Thanks

First , why did you change the fuel pump??.
30 -40 sec. means that you crank it more than 5 times, right?. After 3 or 4th crank I will pull out one or more of the spark plugs and see if they wet. Sometimes ECT sensor (engine coolant temp.) reads very low number and engine module puts more fuel  and floods the spark. Most of the Audi ECT sensor shows -40 deg. C  when they go bad. This also, most of the time sets the fault in ECM module. Did you check for any faults?? In this problem any mechanic will check for faults first. Most of the time system set the fault. Fixing whatever set the fault is the FIRST thing to do.
good luck