Audi Repair: 02 Audi Allroad Turn Signal Flasher, audi allroad, audi radio

When engaged, my turn signal indicators in the instrument clustre blink very quickly and just every once will they actually work as far as the outside bulbs themselves.

My presumption is the flasher switch needs replaced and I've been told it is housed in the same switch assembly as the triangular hazard light switch which is on the dash, just above the radio. I will say the emergency flashers work quite well, so the bulbs are fine.

Would you be so kind as to tell me how that can be best replaced? I've heard that Audi radio removal is a tricky endeavour indeed due to the need for special tools, and it would be the greatest of news if you wrote in your response that the radio needn't be removed at all.

Thank you ever so much!

hello, sounds like a bad switch.(the emergency swich)
relay, which controls turn signals is inside the , what I call it 4 way flasher switch or emergency switch.
You do not have to remove radio. Just the trim above the radio, that will give you acces to the swich.
Trim and the emergency switch , they both just pushed in, just becafule when taking them out. Trim is hold by 6 clips (two on each outside and two right in the midlle, if some of them brake do not worry, it will be fine. I use small flat screw driver and a plastic piece to pry of the trim. Same with swich.
good luck             pltech