Chevrolet Repair: 2000 Blazer blinker clicking noise, turn signal switch, chev blazer

QUESTION: I have a 2000 Chev Blazer which has developed a problem where the blinker makes it's clicking noise randomly while I am driving (about 40% of the time), even though I don't have the blinker on. There doesn't seem to be a pattern as to when the clicking noise occurs - they only thing I have been able to figure out is that when I press in the brake pedal, the clicking stops. All the blinker/turn signals work fine when I turn them on, but I can't figure out why it continues to make the noise. Any suggestions??


  99 percent of the time its actually the turn signal switch in the column that makes contact to ground on the indicator side of the flasher.  The few that I have taken apart get cracks along the plastic pivot for the lever fulcrum.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is this something an average person can replace or should be done @ at dealer?
Can I find instructions somewhere on how to replace?

Thanks for the help!


 I don't know what your mechanical aptitude is or your tool section but it is not a difficult repair.  Remove upper and lower column covers and the switch is bolted to the column with torx screws.  It's really quite easy and you don not have to remove steering wheel or airbag.  Be carefull with the turn signal cancel lever so as not to break it when installing new switch.  I replaced one 3 weeks ago for the very same problem.
