Chevrolet Repair: firebird seats, camaro ss, seat wiring

I have a 1998 Camaro SS and bought 2000 Firebird power seats to replace the cloth seats that were in it. The Camaro drivers set was power. The firebird Drivers side is also powered but has a lot more wires then the camaro. also has a different connector. Both firebird sests also have lumbar and I need to find out how to wire the new seats up in the Camaro. Were do the two lumbar hoses on each seat go. Also the passenger seat has two power buttons on it too and a connector. Please help me get these working. .

Hi Denny... your best bet is to find the wiring diagrams for both cars for those seats. you may need to get the seat wiring from the other car to help get it working. i have never done one of those change overs and thats how i would approach it.... hope this helps