Chevrolet Repair: SPARK PLUGS/DEXCOOL/TEMP GUAGE, coolant temp, radiator fluid


I have a 2001 Chevy Impala LS w/ the 3.8 V6. As far as changing the spark plugs, I can get to the front 3 just fine. Is there any easier way/trick to get to the back 3 without too much trouble?
Also, is there any truth to the rumors about Dexcool damaging gaskets and rotting away GM engines and should I switch to a regular green radiator fluid? I'm not sure if it's related but occasionally(usually on cold days), my temp guage will quit working and when I shut the engine off, the cooling fan keeps running. I heard this might be a symptom of either a leaking intake manifold, a faulty thermostat, or a faulty coolant temp sensor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

HI, If you take the strut support bar off you can get to the back plugs. Remember that these plugs don't need to be changed for 100k, but if you want to thats ok. Yes I would change the coolant but you don't have to get rid of the dexcool you can just change it out. Dexcool had it's biggest problem in the S10 engine. The green is cheaper so use which one you want, just change it every 2-3 years. If your coolant is low when you remove the radiator cap you need to locate the leak before replacing the coolant.

Hope this helps

Have a Nice Day    Mark