Chrysler Repair: 1994 LHS over heating

yep on the way home in heavy traffic started to over heat.  it was fine until i hit idle speed. was about half way then just shot up.

let car cool, looked for source of moisture, looked like over flow resivoir spilled over and over flow was hitting exhaust causing smoke.

i noticed only the driver side fan was spinning. i know some cars use one for rad and the other for ac.  are both suppose to spin for my car?  also turned on air conditioner fan did not turn on.  tried spinning the non working fan.  it has a weak click to it when i spun it.

this model does not have a radiator cap just the one for the over flow resivoir and it is fine.  no debris stuck in radiator or blocking.  

fuse in the car for fan is not blown, two relays in pdc under hood checkout to.

any ideas where to start?

As I read the manual, both fans should operate in parallel at all times, either slow or fact. So try jumping to the passenger side fan plug from the battery and see if it operates on either speed. Black is the ground wire, yellow and brown are for the 2 speed choices.