Chrysler Repair: p1495 code: 99 2.4L, response warrants, soleniod

QUESTION: i have a 99 breeze 2.4. just changed the computer cause #3-#4 injectors were not working, so that was fixed now i have a code P1495. i think the pump was changed not to long ago. please any answer would help

ANSWER: Hi Stephen,
The 1495 code says the leak detection pump solenoid is not in the expected position when it is checked. Also. the pump could be bad or the power to it impared. Or the solenoid control circuit could be open or shorted to ground. The '99 factory service manual is strange in that it shows the solenoid but it doesn't show the ldp itself in the wiring diagrams rather only the wires to the pump that are listed on the pcm plug. Let me give you those and then you can check the condition of the wires at the pump and solenoid and check them for continuity to the pcm to check for 'open's.
White/tan at the solenoid goes to pin 70, pink/gray goes to pin 68, and at the pump white/dark green goes to pin 77 and orange/dark green goes to pin 72. There is a third (power) wire at the pump but I don't know its color but it should show 12v when the key is in run.
PS Please 'rate' my answer, and where you see the question about 'volunteer or the month' please consider a 'yes' answer if my response warrants that. Thanks

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Where is the LPD pump and soleniod at and how do u check

Hi Stephen,
The ldp is located above the fuel tank, which you have to drop down and out to get to the ldp. I can xerox about 4 pages that show you how to remove the ldp. I suspect it is faulty, but to check that out electrically would require a diagnostic readout box with some extra functions to test parts and also testing the continuity of the wires from the ldp to the pcm, so my thinking is that first trying to replace the ldp may be the most prudent approach. But you might want to check out the price and then decide whether to do the diagnostics and the wiring check out first before buying the pump. Let me know if you want the pages and tell me a mailing address.