Chrysler Repair: 98 T&C drv-sd tail light & lic plt lght, fuse blows, fuse box

QUESTION: I recently had transmission work done on my 98 T&C and when i got the van back i started noticing electrical problems so i took it in and found the main ground wire was not connected so after having this repaired some problems were fixed but i am still having problems with my drivers side rear running light and license plate light not working, i have changed bulbs but still nothing. The turn signal and brake light still work, any suggestions? One garage told me i needed to have the whole steering column replaced.

ANSWER: Hi Susan,
Check your left front parking lamp light and see if it too is "off". If so then I would believe that fuse #5 (15 amp) in the junction fuse box under the dash (behind the lower left dash covering) is burned out because that one provides current to the license lamp, the two tail bulbs on the left side and the front left parking lamp. Let me know if otherwise and I can tell you about the wiring possibilies as the cause.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK i did that and as soon as i turned on the lights the fuse blew again. My front running light clamp that holds the bulb is broken would this have anything to do with it? Also your response time was incredible. thank you.

Hi Susan,
Yes, any time an electrical socket is damaged it opens up the possibility for a short circuit (e.g. a direct connection of the + wire to the - wire without going through the bulb filament which will draw so much current that the fuse blows...which is the purpose of the fuse so as to prevent electical over-heating of the wires). So you might leave the bulb out for now or disconnect the wire from the light assembly, and then when you put in the fuse it should not blow and you will at least get the rear running and license light back in service. However, disconnecting the assembly plug will kill the turn signal also, so maybe it would be prudent to remove the park bulb and examine the socket as best you can to see if you can temporarily adjust the constacts so that the short is eliminated and you will still have the turn signal. Then you can either try to repair the socket or replace it or replace the assembly.
And you are very welcome.