Chrysler Repair: Reverse Light switch Chrysler Voyager 2.0 1998, reverse light switch, chrysler voyager

How do I change the reverse switch on a Chrysler Voyager 2.0 Petrol 1998?

Many thanks

Hi Neil,
I assume that you have a 3-speed, non-electronic automatic on the vehicle. The switch is on the lower edge of the side of the trans that faces the front, just forward of the base of the shifter rod. It has 3 pins, the middle is for the start/neutral safety ground, the outer two are for the back-up switch. You remove the plug after gently lifting the locking tab. Then unscrew being prepared with a container to catch trans fluid. Then mover the gear shift from park to neutral and view through the hole that the fingers that operate the switch are centered. Then screw in the new switch with a new oil seal (or reuse the old one if in good conditon), tighten to 24 foot-lbs. Then check that you have continuity across the two outside terminals when you put it in reverse. Reconnect the plug. Pour collected fluid in the dipstick tube.