Chrysler Repair: battery llocation on 97 Breeze/Cirrus/Stratus, splash shield, steering wheel

Where is the battery located on a 1997 Breeze?

Hi Charles,
The battery is located behind the splash shield that lines the wheel well under driver's front fender, specifically the front edge of the shield directly in front of the tire. You can either remove left front wheel or turn the steering wheel to the full left turn stop to gain access to the part of the splash shield that is removable by turning the 4 plastic retaining fasteners counter clockwise 1/4 turn. Begin by removing the negative battery post remote ground wire on the left strut tower so that the battery will not be connected to the car body. The remove the battery strap by loosening/removing the screws at the top and bottom. Then remove the -post clamp and finally remove the +post clamp. Then lift the battery up and over the lip of the tray in which it sits.
Installation is the reverse. Always attach the + post clamp first, then the -post, and of course when everything is reinstalled reconnect the remote -wire to the strut tower which will reconnect the circuit for the battery.