Chrysler Repair: Water Pump Replacement 1990 voyager, rube goldberg, water pump replacement

I own a 1990 Plymouth Voyager.  3.0 liter engine I am trying to replace the water pump.  I have everything off except the drive pulley.  I can't seem to loosen the center bolt.  Any sugestions?

Hi Chris,
That bolt is torqued on to 110 ft-lbs if it was done right last time it was removed. You can use a 22 mm socket or a 1/2" square socket (or so says the manual?, but see below). If the problem is that the crankshaft rotates backwards against your effort, then you may have to get one of those chain-type wrences and wrap it around the pulley so as to hold the crank in place with the aid of a helper. I can't think of anyother way, except maybe to put the 22 mm  socket on the bolt and use a long breaker bar whose end wedges against the floor under the engine (so as to create a lever arm) and then use the starter motor to crank the engine clockwise (this may be a rube Goldberg approach but...). You might also try soaking the bolt/washer interface with penetrating oil if the threads might be rusted in place. Finally, a torch might be applied to the bolt head and then try the wrench on it when it is hot. Very important to not round off the faces of the bolt. You might want to get a 6-point 22 mm socket to help prevent that. The last thing you might try although it is counter-intuitive is to torque the bolt tighter a bit then try loosening it. Even rocking back and forth may break it loose. Good luck, and make sure you have the correct tools so as not to round off the faces of the bolt. Let me know when you are successful and how you did it.