Classic/Antique Car Repair: 68 dodge dart, dodge dart, battery cable

The car has been restored, now there is power on the fuses (marker&tail light). Two seperate fuses in the panel. In about an hour the battery is dead.

Something is draining the battery. Charge the battery fully, then pull one battery cable off, then tap it on the post and note the spark that you see.  Now, turn everything off, see if you still see a spark when you tap the cable.  If you do, pull half the fuses out. Still see a spark?  Pull more fuses, one by one until the spark goes away.  The last fuse you pull (that makes the spark quit) is the one that supplies the circuit that it staying on.   Now you know what circuit it is, start disconnecting things that use that fuse, until the spark goes away with the fuse back in.  There is no other way, you just have to narrow it down and then investigate.

If you get all the fuses out and still there is a spark, disconnect the alternator and voltage regulator - if that stops the spark, replace the alternator and voltage regulator.
