Hyundai Repair: 2006 Sonata bucks & kicks at 40 -50 mph., full tank, grateful thanks

I have a 2006 Sonata. At speeds of 40 - 50 mph the car seems to buck & kick. If I speed up or slow down it seems to go away. This does not always occur at those speeds. It also did it at 70 mph with cruise control set. It also stalled when stopped at an intersection with no warning lights before hand. It had a full tank of gas and the a/c was set on Max. I have taken it to the dealer to be diagnosed twice but nothing was found. If you have any ideas I would be grateful. Thanks.

I'm surprised that you're check engine lamp isn't illuminating.  Most things that would cause these symptoms would also cause a check engine lamp to illuminate.

My guess, especially if the problem occurs mostly after you've been driving a while, is that you may have a faulty fuel pump or a burned wire or connection in the fuel pump assembly.  I've seen this problem a couple times, but that isn't necessarily an indication of a product-wide issue, either.