Hyundai Repair: transmission warrantee, hyndai elantra, mechanic shop

2003,hyndai elantra,bought new. has 25,000 miles.
the car was having a problem exeeding above 55 mph.
I brouth the car to a dealer for diag. he sai i needed a clutch.had the clutch replaced at a licence mechanic shop, 40 days later the transmisssion std. blows a holenear the release bearing,a bearing inside the transmission let go  releasing pieces of metal damaging also the clutch. no warr. repair due to car abuse.any comm.

Dear Angelo,
         If a car is under warrenty you always carry the car back to the car lot you bought it from. If someone other than the dealership does it than they will come up with that. So now you will have to come up with money to have it fix yourself.
                             Thank You,