Land Rover Repair: Land Rover Cruise Control, vacuum leaks, vacuum pipe

QUESTION: The cc on my disco will only work if hold the acc on, if I release it the cc disengages.

ANSWER: Hi Christopher,

Which model and year do you have?

could be the switch itself, cc diode, speed trip module, cc lockout relay, brake switch vent valve or even the CC ECU itself.  Any vacuum leaks? Vacuum pump is located by the left headlight for DI and see firewall for DII.  Examine vacuum hose to determine if a leak is present.  Hoses can crack with age.

At least you know the CC bulb works.

Best of luck,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi John, My Disco is 1997 300 tdi auto. I have replaced some of the vacuum pipe which was cracked but only where I could see it as some disappears. Better change the rest I think. Thanks for your help, Regards Chris.

Hi Chris,

yes, this could be part of the the reason why your CC is having trouble engaging.  If you already have found that some of the hose was cracked, chances are the cracking is extensive.  Just trace along the hose and change out all that is cracked.  It's a dirty job but it has to be done.  Let me know if the CC engages once this is all done.
