Land Rover Repair: 2003 Disco II brake lights stay on, brake light switch, electrical issues

I just noticed that my brake lights are on every time i put on my headlights. If the headlights are off then the brake lights work fine. It seems as though the headlights and brake lights are connected.  Also, I noticed that the display lights on the dash board and radio become dimmer when I hit the brake pedal when the headlights (and of course brake lights) are on.  The parking lights on the front of the vehicle come on when I hit the brakes when the headlights are off.  I did disconnect the battery one day before I noticed all of this strange electrical issues.  Do you think this could be a battery related problem or a short circuit somewhere?  I do not think that it is related to the brake light switch because when I removed the switch, the brake lights stayed on.  Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi Joe,

usually its the brake switch but sometimes its the battery or alternator.  Try cleaning the battery post and wire brushing the battery connectors.  Did you check the fusebox?
Had a similar problem and it turned out to be alternator - bad electrical can cause all sorts of weird problems.

Best of luck,