Land Rover Repair: 300tdi lack of power, actuation pressure, bosch diesel

Dear John
I recently bought a 95 defender, t/d 300i with 260000kms. It seems to lack power compared with others I've driven. I can best describe it by saying it feels like I'm towing a heavy trailer around all the time. top speed of 100km/h on dead flat road, rarley using fifth gear.  It also runs too hot up big hills and has higher than normal fuel consumption as if it's working too hard.  It doesn't blow excessive smoke or use any oil so I'm assuming compression and injectors / pump is ok. replaced the fuel filter, checked / reset injection pump timimg, checked cam timing, reset valve clearences, replaced air filter, checked for blocked exhaust (ok). I think it could be a turbo problem but have had trouble finding operation specs.  I've removed the air intake pipe from top of intercooler and can feel definate pressure build up from turbo (as in hard to hold hand over intercooler outlet when revving engine). Tried to check boost pressure when driving but gauge only starts at 10psi - may have just registered this.  Also no wastegate actuation when free-revving - is this normal?  I removed the wastegate actuator and measured its actuation pressure and found it to start moving at 12psi and stop at 22psi approx. -Is this normal?  Is this normal turbo failure - it seems to spin ok and no excessive play in turbine.  Please help an Aussie fix his LR because all his toyota and nissan driving mates are giving him grief....

First, I'd suggest you buy a day's subscription to (LRs official service site) and download all the proper test data and procedures.

In particular, find the vacuum lines for the turbo boost pressure sense and make sure they are clean.

Find out how to raise pump pressure slightly, yours is surely a bit low from age.

And finally, I suggest you remove the fuel injectors and have them tested and/or rebuilt.  Go to to look for a Bosch diesel service agent near you.

The Bosch site I gave you may be US-only, if so search Google for Bosch Diesel Service down there.