Land Rover Repair: oxygen sensor replace, oxygen sensors, catalytic convertor


I recently ran my 1996 Discovery through DEQ and failed due to the OBDII spitting out 2 codes for faulty oxygen sensors.  My question to you is whether or not you may have a link to show how I could replace the oxygen sensors myself. I recently learned how to replace my own brakes which I did perfectly, to the surprise of my mechanic who commended my work - I think I have the ability to pull this off.  Anyways, after I replace them, do I have to do a manual reset of the OBDII or will the codes go away after they have been fixed?  I really appreciate the help with this!  


Hi William,

I believe there are two O2 sensors on your '96 Disco.  Both can be found on the exhaust "Y" pipe just before the catalytic convertor.

You'll have to raise the Disco and remove the Y pipe.  Its the safer means of removing the O2 sensors.  Once on the ground (or work bench) you'll have a better grip.  You'll have to purchase a special wrench for O2 sensors. Most auto shops should have them.

Purchase a new gasket for the exhaust manifold to Y pipe connection and check the 'olive' or donut gasket for cracks.  This olive is the link from the Y pipe to the exhaust muffler

To reset the code, simply disconnect the negative cable on the battery for a few seconds.  Perform the repair and no code should appear.  

I hope the codes were caused by the O2 sensors.

