Lexus Repair: 93 ES 300 lexus, combustion chambers, knock sensor

Had my transmission rebuilt rebuilt several days ago. Since then the check engine light has come on. Doing a code test, I get a code 55 (knock sensor). The check engine light only comes on after several miles of driving. (sometimes it never comes on) I get a surging of power when it does comes on like the egr valve is opening and closing. Could this be a problem in the emmission system and not the knock sensor. I don't get any other codes.


That sets the car isntantly in the highest level of limp mode.

You run 10*btdc of ignition timing, destroying throttle responce & it runs on the brink of belching black smoke it's so rich, keeping the combustion chambers cool & destroying power output.
At the same time, sometimes you get locked out of over-drive.

Chekc the wiring for the knock sensors & the knock sensors. They're under the lower intake manifold in the V of the engine. They're a pain in the ass... Might aswell replace the valve cover gaskets at the same time. I'm sure they're leaking.