Mazda Repair: hard starting after several days without idle, carburetor system, adjustment screw

I don't think it's a choke trouble. Well, anyway I can't see anything wrong with the choke system.

This is a carburetor system car, it is called a Mazda sedan 363 in my place, year of issue 1996. It has had this trouble from since I got it second-hand from two other earlier owners who had it for a few months each; otherwise everything works okay.

When I use it everyday, starting in the morning is no trouble at all.

When I don't use it for one day, so it's been idle over 24 or more hours since last tour of duty, this is what occurs, and it gets worse as the number of idle days are more.

I step on the gas pedal as I turn on the start switch, the engine will fire up, as normal; but when I let go of the gas pedal, the engine will die off or -- and this is after I had tinkered with the choke system to adjust it to optimal operation (in my own DIY ways and skills and experience and knowledge -- forgive me for the presumption) it will not die off, but act as though gasping for breath every fraction of a second, like 1/5 of a second; so I have to step on the gas pedal and keep it down for the engine to reeve furiously, until I hope that the engine will already idle normally once I let go of the gas pedal.

What's the trouble? Is it that the output idle jet holes in the throat wall are blocked, obstructed somehow? But then after the initial bad episode when I have to keep the gas pedal down to protract the reeving of the engine, idling becomes smooth.

Otherwise, as I said, everything is all right, with cruising and idling in the traffic, and engine does not die off -- never; gas consumption is normal, plug tips are clean.

By the way, is there a maximum enrichment of the idle gas adjustment screw so that further counter-clockwise turning will not add more gas coming out; hence there is no fear of flooding the engine with fuel. No, I have not tried this approach yet. What do you think? I had adjusted the idle screw to rough idle and backward so that idle is smooth vis-a-vis acceptable idling engine speed, and that is the way it has stayed since I worked on the carburetor to make it function okay (but I could not fix that trouble I mentioned above).

Thanks for any help.


could really care about your negitive feedback, if only you would have read it was for usa models only wouldent be any problems, there's a reason for that. no i dont know it all and i only try to help ppl from what i've seen and done over the years. and to get your crap,  shows me there's people like you all over the world.  how about you being a expert at being an asshole?  i'll give you all 10's! you are blocked from any more questions and it will show others your stupid response