Mitsubishi Repair: 89 Triton : Problem with blinkers, fuse block, blown fuse

I've got a problem with the blinkers in my 89 Triton ute. Originally, none of the blinkers were working, fuses all ok. When I went to indicate either left or right the flasher unit would make an electrical buzzing sound. So I replaced the flasher unit ... same problem. Finally figured out that if I turn the hazard lights on for a moment, then off again the blinkers will work again for about 10-30 mins. Now I'm guessing the fault is with the hazard flasher unit.

Does this sound right? If so, what does the hazard flasher unit look like and where do I find it?


Ray: This is what my repair manual says about all this... if both turn signals fail to blink, the problem may be due due to a blown fuse, a faulty flasher unit, a broken switch or a loose or open connection. To replace the flasher, remove it from the wiring harness(early models). Make sure the replacement unit is identical to the original. Compare the old one to the new one before installing it, the turn signal/hazard flasher, a square module located in the wiring harness next to the fuse block under the dash. It might be a good idea to buy yourself a repair manual for your car, most parts stores sell them for around $20.00 and well worth the money if you are going to work on your own car. One more thing there is also a relay for this, so maybe your relay is bad. The relays are in those black boxes in with the engine, some cars have two and some have three. Those black boxes have covers on them and will explain what is in each box. If you do replace one of those relays always remove the neg. cable off the battery first and then replace it after the new relay is put in. I hope this helps and good luck! Linda