Motorcycle Repair: 1982 Goldwing Starting issue, 1982 honda goldwing, clutch lever

hi,  I have a 1982 Honda Goldwing  with starting issues.  I have a fresh battery.  When l hi tthe start button  the headlight goes out as it is supposed to.  I do not here a click on the solenoil and the bike does not start.  If l cross the soleniol posts with a  ummm screw driver, the bike will start. I  would like to prove or know the solenoid is defective or  ask if there is something else l need to look at.  Is or should there be conitnuity on the solenoild etc?.. Thanks for any help in advance.. Pierre

Pierre, the solenoid may be okay.  You need to check the voltage going to the solenoid when you press the starter button. There's a diode in the starget circuit that requires the newtral light to be on or the clutch  lever pulled in before the starter motor will engage.  There's a black wire and a yellow and red wire.  The yellow and read wire is the grounding circuit and the black is power.  Make sure the black wire has 12 volts on it and make sure the yellow and red wire has continuity to ground when you press the button.
