Motorcycle Repair: trouble shooting for my kdx 200, kdx 200, engine fires

Hi i have a 96 kdx 200 i was riding it when it just stoped, i had a look at it and found out it had no spark, I ending up getting the ignition coil rewound and now it has a spark but it still wont start. could this be a cdi problem? thanks


if you have a spark now it is most likely
some other problem than the cdi.

Try checking the compression, make sure
it has enough pressure to blow your
finger off the spark plug hole when held
tightly or better yet use a compression
tester. Should have over 130 psi to run well.

Has your carb been cleaned well?
Jets plug quickly with todays fuel.
Even a few weeks of sitting may plug
the fuel system.

Try spraying some wd40 in the carb mouth,
see if the engine fires on it.
Is the spark plug new or good and is it wet or dry?
Could it be lacking fuel or is it flooded?

Check the spark plug cap for 5000 ohms or less

Was the flywheel key okay?

Always check the grounds and wires on
the ignition components.
Use fresh gas.