Motorcycle Repair: 2002 883Sportster not charging battery, 883 sportster, ac volts

Have a 2002 883 Sportster that set up for 2 years.  I replaced the battery and it would crank and runs fine but after a couple of days the battery is dead.  The bike is not charging battery when running.  How and what do I check?

With a volt meter, check at the battery with the bike running. At 2000 RPM you should be getting around 13.5 volts. If not then you need to test the stator. Unplug the regulator and at the stator test for pin to ground with a OHM meter. Then test pin to pin. Start the bike and at the stator you should get around 60 AC volts, not DC, at 2000 RPM. If the stator doesnt pass then the stator is bad. If it does then the regulator is bad.
Good luck and happy riding