Motorcycle Repair: harley clutch, clutch lever, clutch plates

I have recently got a HD from my brother.  It has a 3in open primary and a revtech trany and Kick only.  The belt was in bad condinton I have thown it twice and readujeted the clutch... It finaly gave and I relplaced it.  Since then I have NOT been able to adujst the clutch properly.  When I get it where I still have combustion and in first gear it still rolls forward pretty fast.  I tried loosing the fine adjustment under the oil tank and them adjusting the set screw unitl it touched and then backing it off two turns and readjusting, but I never could get it right.  ALSO ... I have been scraping the clucth plates on the shop floor... which I just saw in "The Horse" that may not be the right way.  My brother showed me this and has probably been doing that for at lead 6 years ... from the "Horse" article I also thought maybe I just didnt scrape them enough.  Thanks J.A. Lemons

Your clutch plates may be to worn and need replaced. Once you have replaced them, readjust the clutch. Since its pulling its not adjusted tight enough. When you adjust the clutch, loosen the adjuster and put alot of play in the cable. Now go to the adjuster on the clutch and turn it outward and then slowly turn it inward, just until it bottoms and then outward about 1/8 of a turn. Now go back to the cable and adjust it so you have about 1/8 inch play in the clutch lever. If you still have a problem getting it adjusted I would inspect the throwout bearing and throwout rod in the trans. The bearing might be bad or the rod might be worn and need replaced
Good luck and happy riding